Frequently Asked Questions

Why hire a consultant?

Consultants offer a unique perspective on your company’s problems by providing an outsider view with a history in the technical space. While conventionally hired positions can provide insight on issues, hiring a professional consultant gives you the freedom to clearly understand the relationship and benefits from the outset while having a clearly defined fee structure that prevents any unwanted surprises.

What is Content Planning?

Digital content can be anything from social media postings to blog content. Having a strategy to deploy online content is crucial to its successful execution. This serves two purposes for your company: increasing content engagement and strengthening your brand by establishing you as an expert in the space. Content Planning consists of refining topics to be covered, release schedules, desired platforms, and overall methodology.

What are your rates?

All rates are determined on a project basis. We do not charge hourly rates to our clients in order to protect you from any surprises during the project. At the outset of every project, we work together to determine the added value of the project at hand and a fee is built based on that. All of the charges are known up front prior to work beginning to protect both of us.

What is Process Discovery?

Every business has processes that are followed in order to execute business. Many businesses are successful following their own processes, but often times do not write them down. It is our belief that these documents are the foundation of a company and in order to protect the interest of a business, processes must be documented. We work closely with the business and its experts to identify those processes and generate professionally written procedures that will help your business grow. We believe in scalability through stability.